A simple Windows Webserver for PHP and CGI Scripts

A simple Windows Webserver for PHP and CGI Scripts

ACME Client Utility

Create Let's Encrypt SSL certificates for WWebserver

1. Download wwebserver_acme.zip (2,1 MB) and extract it into the installation directory of the WWebserver. Do overwrite existing files!

After that the installation directory will contain some new files and sub directories.

2. Edit/Call acme\create_account.bat

This batch file will create a new ACME account.
Therefore edit the file to setup own email address.
After creating a new account you will find the two files acme.conf and acme.key
These files contain important information about the account and must not be deleted.
You can use different accounts by copying these files.

3. Edit/Call acme\create_certs.bat

This batch file creates all certificates that you have defined in it.

Enter a command line for each certificate according to the following scheme:

..\v1 acme_client.v1 newOrder --domains=<Your domains, comma separated ...>

For example:

..\v1 acme_client.v1 newOrder --domains=mydomain.com,www.mydomain.com

Note: You may configurate individual virtual hosts in WWebserver configuration file cfg\vhost.txt

4. Create a cronjob for WWebserver to renew certificates automatically.

Open the file cfg\crontab.txt and insert the following line:

0 23 * * * exec v1.exe acme\create_certs.v1


All activities of the ACME Client Utility are protocolled in acme\acme.log


How i can force https:// protocol?

Therefore create a .htaccess file in your home directory and insert the following lines at the top.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,R=301]

ACME Utility was developed with V1 Script, a scripting language by Matthias Wiede.
