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Performance issue

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:49 pm
by sriche

We are currently using a "wwebserver php 543" version. We have written a Windows service in cpp and this service among other things launches this web server via a "CreateProcess (wwebserver_cmd.exe, ...)" command. We noticed the following performance differences:
  • If the service is created with the function "CreateService" and the attribute lpServiceStartName = "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService" there seems to be no problem of performance
  • If the service is created with the function "CreateService" and the attribute lpServiceStartName = NULL (this attribute actually takes the value "NT AUTHORITY\System") there is a strong slowdown for accesses to the WEB pages.
We need to work in the 2nd way because we need some privileges concerning writing to the registry.

Do you see any reason for this slowdown ?

For your information, the web pages have been written in PHP and are accessed thru the localhost port 8181. The slowdown was seen on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7 computers and on Windows 10 64-bit computers.

Thank in advance for your help
Best regards

Re: Performance issue

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:19 am
by mwiede
Is the performance leak only with PHP pages or also static HTML pages?
If yes then the problem seems to be in the PHP libraries.

Do you use MySQL conntections? Old MySQL databases cause performance problems with PHP MySQLI or PDO.

Have you tried to integrate PHP with FastCGI and disabled PHPBuildIn?

Re: Performance issue

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:51 am
by sriche
Thanks for your reply,
We only have the initial page in HTML and all the following pages are in PHP, this isn't enough to see if there is also a performance leak with the static HTML page.
We do not use MySQL connections, our PHP pages are the way to interact with our applications running on the PC either through the file system (reading and writing xml configuration files) either communicating with our applications through named pipes implemented with an active X component.

We didn't do any tests with fastCGI as we are working with a 2012 "wwebserver php 543" version. We are going to download the 2015 version of Wwebserver to see if it solves our problem. If we have enough time, it may also be an opportunity to test the latest version v1.4.

Best regards

Re: Performance issue

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:35 pm
by mwiede
sriche wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:51 am
Thanks for your reply,
We only have the initial page in HTML and all the following pages are in PHP, this isn't enough to see if there is also a performance leak with the static HTML page.
We do not use MySQL connections, our PHP pages are the way to interact with our applications running on the PC either through the file system (reading and writing xml configuration files) either communicating with our applications through named pipes implemented with an active X component.

We didn't do any tests with fastCGI as we are working with a 2012 "wwebserver php 543" version. We are going to download the 2015 version of Wwebserver to see if it solves our problem. If we have enough time, it may also be an opportunity to test the latest version v1.4.

Best regards
I have sent you the link to update with V1.4.

You should try it also with FastCGI.
Read comments in cfg/cgi.txt or

Re: Performance issue

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:56 pm
by sriche

Thank you for the update link.
I tested the 1.4 version of Wwebserver with our software and PHPBuildIn as a default PHP configuration and didn't notice much speed differences with the previous version. But when I switched to the built in PHPFCGI there has been a marked increase in performance and response time.

We need now to integrate this 1.4 version in our software as it must not installed independently, and then test it on different Windows platforms. I will let you know the result of these tests.

I already noticed a missing parameter in the new php.ini file. This parameter is: extension=php_com_dotnet.dll. I had to add it because there was a "Fatal error: Class 'COM' not found in..." with my PHP code.

Thanks again for your help,
Best regards